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Song of Fortune - Oriental Beauty Oolong

This renowned tea type is known by many names such as Orientale Beauty, Eastern Beauty, White-Tip Oolong, Dong Fang Mei Ren, and even more names in Chinese! The signature characteristics of this tea are the juicy, fruity honey taste, and a delicate mouthfeel. All of this is made possible thanks to the little green leafhopper bites and uncompromisable natural farming approach. 

Song Of Fortune comes from Nantou, which is further south from the original terroirs where this tea is produced. Oriental Beauty has many grades that vary wildly in price. Song of Fortune boasts incredible value for its price and we are proud to source such a wonderful tea.

Song of Fortune - Oriental Beauty Oolong

Preisab 6,00 €
1 Gram
inkl. MwSt.
Nicht verfügbar
  • Herkunft: Nantou, Taiwan

     Ernte: Herbst 2023

     Höhe: 600m

     Natürliche Landwirtschaft


     Sorte: Qing Xin (Grünes Herz)

     Oxidation: Mittelhoch

     Röstung: niedrig

  • Traditioneller taiwanesischer Stil
    Temperatur: 85 °C
    Menge: 3g / 250ml
    Ziehzeiten in min: 4 / 3 / 5
    3+ Aufgüsse

    Gongfu Style
    Temperatur: 92 °C
    Menge: 5g / 100ml
    Ziehzeiten in Sek: 15 / 15 / 30 / 60
    6+ Aufgüsse

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